NorthEast Tampines Run
Here are some details of NorthEast Tampines Run 2012 in Singapore running race calendar.
NorthEast Tampines Run Event Date:
7 October 2012 (Sunday)
NorthEast Tampines Run Time:
NorthEast Tampines Run Flag off time
10km @ 7 am
4km @ 7:20 am
NorthEast Tampines Run Start/ End point:
Tampines Central Park, Singapore
Fees of Participation
Category|Distance|Registration Fee:
Men’s Open (16-39 years old)
10km Competitive Run
Women’s Open (16-39 years old)
10km Competitive Run
Men’s Veteran Open (40 years and above)
10km Competitive Run
Women’s Veteran Open (40 years and above)
10km Competitive Run
Family Fun Run (All ages)
4km Fun Run